Disabled man died at care home after he ‘choked on his own incontinence pad’

Disabled man died at care home after he ‘choked on his own incontinence pad’

Disabled man died at care home after he ‘chocked on his own incontinence pad’


“A man who had severe learning difficulties and autism choked to death on his own incontinence pad, an inquest has heard.

The inquest heard he was left alone by his carers, which amounted to gross negligence.

He had been living at the home for nine years and was meant to receive one-to-one care between 8am and 8pm each day.

But it’s claimed he was only given hourly checks during his entire time there.”

It is unthinkable to think that someone can receive the incorrect treatment for 9 years within a care home, however sadly this is what happened in this case.

Many care homes up and down the country are understaffed, which can sometimes lead to residents not receiving the care and attention they deserve.

Understaffing across UK care homes is a real problem which is leading to far too many cases of neglect. Although this is often not the fault of the workers themselves, it is also not the fault of the residents receiving poor treatment.

If you believe your parent or relative has suffered as a result of negligence within a UK care home, please get in touch with our expert solicitors to find out if you have a claim. To get in touch please call 0161 446 1122, or email enquiries@pablasolicitors.co.uk.

Disabled man died at care home after he ‘choked on his own incontinence pad’