Firm fined £120,000 after builders caught hanging out of digger’s airborne bucket

Firm fined £120,000 after builders caught hanging out of digger’s airborne bucket

Firm fined £120,000 after builders caught hanging out of digger’s airborne bucket


“A building firm has been fined £120,000 after two workers were caught on camera hanging out of the airborne bucket of a digger.

The pair can be seen fitting a stone on a new house while crouching in the shallow trough.

They were working on a luxury newbuild housing development in Littleborough, Greater Manchester, in 2021.”

Accidents at work can happen in a number of different circumstances, although you may not expect them to happen from two workers sitting in an airborne digger.

Your employers have a duty to ensure your working conditions are safe, and should you become injured then there is the potential to make a claim for compensation.

If you have had an accident at work and would like to speak to one of our experts, get in touch by calling 0161 446 1122, or emailing through to