Chemicals business fined £800,000 after employee suffers serious burns

Chemicals business fined £800,000 after employee suffers serious burns

Chemicals business fined £800,000 after employee suffers serious burns


“A chemicals company International Paint Limited has been fined £800,000 after a worker suffered life-changing injuries as a result of an explosion.

The employee spent eight days in intensive care on a life support machine and has been left with all-over body scarring, partial blindless to one eye, hearing damage and damage to a knee and shoulder. The male employee was necessarily absent from work for a period of 16 months.”

Pabla’s deal with a wide range of injuries at work which can include workplace slips, falls from height, fault equipment as well as serious injuries like the one described in the article.

We understand how sensitive it can be to bring a claim against your employee, which is why we aim to get your case finalised as efficiently as possible, without damaging working relationships.

To find out if you have a claim for an accident you’ve had in the workplace, get in touch with our expert team on 0161 446 1122, or send an email through to on of our expert solicitors will get in touch with you.