NewsPress ReleaseUpdatesGang culture at neurosurgery department, doctor alleges April 26, 2024Read more
NewsPress ReleaseUpdatesPabla’s Clinical Negligence Department takes on Tatton Park Race for Life April 8, 2024Read more
NewsPress ReleaseUpdatesOne of UK’s best doctors died from a condition he was an expert in as he lay on understaffed hospital ward April 5, 2024Read more
NewsPress ReleaseUpdatesMother ‘scarred’ by baby’s death says midwives failed to act March 11, 2024Read more
NewsPress ReleaseUpdatesCare home boss struck off after neglecting residents February 28, 2024Read more
NewsPress ReleaseUpdatesStudent, 20, who underwent back surgery died in his mother’s arms after suffering a blood clot ’caused by the operation’ January 25, 2024Read more
NewsPress ReleaseUpdatesComplaints about poor NHS dental services rise 66% in five years November 7, 2023Read more
NewsPress ReleaseUpdatesCCTV shows Blackpool nurses vaping and scrolling on phones while young patient prepares to take his own life November 7, 2023Read more
NewsPress ReleaseUpdatesWigan law firm negotiates settlement 50 times original offer after pensioner’s dental treatment blunders October 31, 2023Read more