Pabla’s successfully settle complex cumulative back injury claim

Pabla’s successfully settle complex cumulative back injury claim

Pabla & Pabla Solicitors successfully settle complex cumulative back injury claim


Associate Partner and Head of Industrial Disease, Ginny Newman was thrilled to successfully settle a cumulative back injury claim claim just six days before a three-day trial.

The client was a young man who had to load large heavy plastic sheets repeatedly in and out of a hot press, and was badly injured due to this. He worked under enormous pressure to ensure that the other stages of the process were all completed, and often stayed late to finish the work himself.

The employer attempted to argue that the basic training manual was a sufficient defence to the claim. With Ginny’s assistance, the client stood his ground and the employer’s insurers caved in very close to trial.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, please get in touch with Pabla’s, where our expert solicitors will be more than happy to talk you through the process.

Ginny Newman
Associate Partner & Head of Industrial Disease

Telephone: 0161 446 1122    •    Email:

The Old Town Hall, Lapwing Lane, Didsbury, Manchester. M20 2NR.
