Reading rugby player wins compensation over revenge tackle

Reading rugby player wins compensation over revenge tackle

Reading rugby player wins compensation over revenge tackle


“A rugby player who sued an opponent over a “revenge” tackle, that left her with a permanent spinal injury, has won a compensation case at the High Court.

Reading Sirens flanker Dani Czernuszka is now paraplegic and will need to use a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

The defendant, Bracknell captain Natasha King, vowed to “break her” during the match in 2017, the court heard.

Ms Czernuszka’s lawyers said she could expect a payout of about £10m.”

When giving his judgement, the judge summarised that: 

Unfortunately, injuries sustained in the course of games of rugby, and other sports such as association football, are not uncommon, these being contact sports played at speed where players can differ in height, stature and weight.

In general, injuries, even serious injuries, are an accepted risk of the sport and do not sound in damages. However, sport is not exempt from, or immune to, the law of negligence.

The majority of injuries caused from sport are part and parcel of playing a contact sport, however in this circumstance there was clear intent to cause injury. Pabla’s personal injury department are able deal with these cases on a no-win, no-fee arrangement.

If you would like to find out if you have a claim, get in touch with our team today on 0161 446 1122, or by emailing
