Boy, two, was killed by mould in rented flat after his parents begged the landlords for help, inquest hears

Boy, two, was killed by mould in rented flat after his parents begged the landlords for help, inquest hears

Boy, two, was killed by mould in rented flat after his parents begged his landlords for help, inquest hears

In an article from the Daily Mail, an extremely upsetting story was today published in relation to a toddler who passed away following the housing association failing to come out to the property and repair mould within the property.

Unfortunately, this happens a lot more than you might expect, which can have serious implications to those living within the property.

Every tenant across the country has a legal right to live in a warm, safe, and habitable household. If you feel as though you are not currently doing so, get in touch with Pabla’s to find out how our Housing Disrepair team can help you.
